
Tuesday, May 28, 2019


And now we take you to reporter Bill Williams, on the scene in Katmandu to interview Sven Jorgensenn, who has just returned from the summit of Mount Everest.

REPORTER BILL: Well. Mister Jorgensenn, that's quite a feat you just accomplished! But what do you say to people who look at that and say: He climbed a big rock...what's the freaking point of THAT?

SVEN: Well, when you put it that way, I guess it was about my own self-gratification, you know? Because it was there! I guess you could say my obsession pushed me on to new heights--ha ha!

REPORTER BILL:  Yes, just think of what you could have accomplished had you used that same sort of obsession to do something actually worthwhile...something that would have contributed to the betterment of mankind, or the planet we live on.

SVEN: Well...we did leave a lot of trash up there...not exactly helping things, I guess. But hey, I'll be able to brag about this the rest of my life!

REPORTER BILL: A lot of people died up there..leaving their families to grieve for the rest of their lives..all in the name of something that has no real significance or meaning... except, as you say, one's own selfish pursuits, reckless obsession, and bragging rights.

SVEN: But it proves I've got some BIG ONES, now doesn't it?  No guts, no glory.  Hi mom!!!

REPORTER BILL: Now back to our studios for a report on another truly meaningless topic....the upcoming election! 


  1. Sometimes we just need to filter what can't do us any good. Powerful write!❤️

  2. I filter so much of it these days, Sanaa!

  3. It all boils down to priorities, doesn't it, friend Tim? If i feel that I wanna charge the doctor that killed my child, it's a priority ... if i feel that i should move away from my abusive husband, it's a priority ... if i feel that i should visit Timbuktu, it's a prority ... if i feel that i have to go pee right now, it's a priority ... smiles ... Anyway ... cat.

    1. PS: The capital "I" was placed by me on purpose. c.

    2. LOL...well, some things can't wait, and should always be your first priority!

  4. On the news today, I was appalled at the traffic jam of people lined up waiting to summit. The wear and tear on the mountain has to be terrible. I hope they close it and give it time to recover. Enjoyed your mock interview. Smiles.

    1. Right you are, Sherry. And what do they do for an encore? Unfortunately for these people, it's all downhill from there.

  5. Love the tongue in cheek approach to the the truth. I don't get the whole rock climbing summit thing either.

    1. Some people are just so "driven," Colleen But where they should be driven is to the nearest mental health facility.

    2. You are absolutely correct. It cost $16000 for a permit t climb the mountain plus $65000 for the guided tour. However it has been discounted... so for a mere $35000 you too can get a discount tour by untrained guides. Oh well Tim it's official... the world is insane 'cept for me and thee and even thee ....:)

    3. HA...yeah! I had no idea it was that expensive! First they throw their money away, and then they throw their lives away...but it was a noble endeavor because "they dreamed the impossible dream." were just stupid, dude.

  6. Extreme "hiking" I suppose. I think a few might have a death wish... :)

    1. Such a waste...for nothing...for nothing...

  7. I recently saw on the news the traffic going up the summit. I guess, I don't truly understand the allure of such a dangerous excursion. I wonder was the journey worth it in the end. Especially for those who died.

    1. None of those people who died thought that was going to happen when they started out. Overconfidence often leads to extreme stupidity.

  8. Replies
    1. I don't know about you, but I took a shower today! :)

  9. Timoteo, gotta get those selfies on the peak for the social media sites! It's a hard, brittle, empty shell and I'm not talking about the climbing gear.

    1. It kinda all boils down to what you think your life is worth and what you're willing to risk it for. Can't help thinking that deep down their lives aren't worth that much to them, otherwise, why risk it on such a meaningless endeavor? Then again there are those who say that taking extreme risks is the only thing that makes them feel alive. (Until their early demise, of course!)

  10. This is excellent!. A solid write. Well done Timoteo,

  11. I enjoyed the dialogue. Maybe people are just running out of things to call "exciting", "challenging"....instead of challenging themselves to make great changes in this world, even if it's helping a neighbour. (oh that would be such an ancient tradition). I think thrill seeking has developed out of boredom. Too much entertainment and technology, never satisfied with the simplicity of life.

    1. Thanks Mish. So very well stated. There does seem to be something in the brains of people who are extreme thrill seekers that is different from what's in the brains of the rest of us. Me, I can get excited by a good book!

  12. Oh let the election not be meaningless...please
