
Thursday, August 6, 2009


The previous picture was from the nineties.
This one is from a coupla weeks ago.
I got sue me!


  1. Ah, a desert rat...and of course you got older, you ain't Benjamin Button. I see you've moved on with the times, that's a good sign :-)

  2. TERI,
    Yeah, not Benjamin Button...I guess if I were I'd be wearing diapers by now!

  3. Only one more request and then I'll be satisfied. If we are to really know you we need to see your eyes :) Pretty please....

  4. Of course, you're older, still looking good, and why oh why hide those gorgeous blue eyes of yours...bloodshot? lol

  5. KAY DEE,
    I will do it...but then I want to see a current picture of YOU on your blog...HAH!

    Ain't you sweet! I'm going to post a photo of the eyes only...just for you and KayDee.

  6. What is with the glasses Mystery Guy? Well we are all getting older. it happens! By the time I was 22 I had been married 5 yrs and had 2 kids. At 43 I am ancient!!! Lets see the eyes!! Men get better looking with age any way, it is us women who have to pay for aging!!!

  7. Honey there are already pics of me all over my blog but in the next few days I will dig one out just for you ;)

  8. KAYDEE,
    I'm sorry, love...the only photo I could tell for SURE was you was when you were coming out of the loo. By the way, how long did that poor dog have to wait to get in there? LOL

    Well, couldn't be the Mystery Man without the glasses...but age is in the mind, don't you think?

  9. LOL about the dog...she'd done her business outside. That's why I was looking down so I didn't step in anything nasty. Ok I have put a pic up in my side bar for you and it's about 18 months old.

  10. KAYDEE,
    Thanks for that...and so elegant looking! And the personal dedication warmed the cockles of my heart. (Now I better go look up "cockles" to make sure it doesn't mean what I think it might mean.)

  11. ugh. thank GOD you got a new pic. we can't have something from the NINETIES.

  12. BRIT,
    Were you even born yet in the nineties? lol

  13. Ok I am either losing it or you deleted it! Where did your eyes go?

  14. CINDY,
    The shelf date on the eyes had expired! lol. The intent was to put that up there temporarily because you guys had requested it. But I never intended to make the blog more of a photo gallery of me than the writing...then again, if you want to see my LEGS or something like that, I might be able to accommodate you. :)
