
Tuesday, January 29, 2019


This ship is sinking fast
women and Chaldeans
into the lifeboats!

Lucky for me 

the Evil Jungle Princess
is along for the ride
oozing poetry
from every pore
mischievously cryptic
grin inducing
a morbid fixation
(like Jackson Browne)
with lawyers in love
the wayward 
esoteric word
dropping out of the blue
and landing where you'd least expect 
like a North Korean missile 
gone wonky into the sea  
Look it up, peasants!
I can hear her say

Turning pit bosses

from pit bulls
into puppy dogs
the Princess floats 
through the crowd

Roulette as a spectator sport

is infinitely more economical
the house advantage 
reduced to zilch 
the grizzled veterans 
laying it on the line
grimace and groan
as The Princess calls out
psychically selected numbers
from the sidelines 
too early in the game for money
where your mouth is but not for
wild thing...I think you MOVE me!

And yes he's likely crazy
we agreed
but it makes for some intriguing times
as everything he throws up
as a distraction
merely results in another
call to action 
though I've tried to stay
above the fray
in my detached and graceful way
for if Nietzche is right
and we live the exact same life
over and over
then I'm for grinnin'
and singin'
let that wheel spin round
just one more time!

Thursday, January 17, 2019


I wasn't born into sin.
I created that for myself
and had a damn good time at it,
thank you.

Oh, you'll be happy to learn

that here--the Las Vegas
of the solar system
(if not the galaxy)-- 
what happens on earth
stays on earth.

So 'ave at it boys and girls--

everything's permitted.
How do I know?
Because it exists!


And to think at one time

I wanted to be a squid farmer.
So maybe I missed my calling
but in my present role of
guru/ philosopher and Certified
Bra Fitter, I can serve the world
on dual levels.

A fragment in time

becomes a fragment
in your poem.
String enough fragments together
and voila!
The question being should there be
a unifying thread?

Is there a unifying thread

that runs through your shirt?
(That's some nice threads, man!)

Einstein looked and looked

for a unified theory of the universe.
He never found it.

So my advice to you is to

go out there and be the best
squid farmer you can be.
And leave these larger questions 
of life to us professionals.

And I do hope you'll come

 in for a fitting soon.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


I have been able to successfully
live in the moment for up to

30 seconds at a time

you just push every thought

out of your mind

it becomes blank like

the page I'm writing this on

before I fill it up

you become keenly aware of

sounds at that point

the sounds you normally block out

with your monkey mind

going a mile a second

push it past the half-minute 

mark and congrats...

you are a zen master!

thoughts are insidious

even when you don't think

you are thinking

you are thinking about

not thinking 

and all manner of things 

like a poem you are thinking of writing

about not thinking

and I tried so not to think while writing this 
and I do think it shows

Sunday, January 6, 2019


How sadly festive is the geriatric pensione!
Does the pensione make you shiver?
Does it?

I saw the seaside sentinels

Of my generation fall.
How I mourned the old hotel.
How I mourned our breezy apartment
Overlooking the shoreline slum.
It makes me shiver now.

The pensione smells 

On account of old farts
Blasting off farts.

The cafe is a pig trough.

Down down down 
Into the bowels they waddle
The chubby, the oily, the endomorphic.

I saw the flavor of my island destroyed.

Are you upset by how 
greasy the food is now
and how it all tastes like McShitburger?
Does it tear you apart to see
the once proud resort
pulled under by a tsunami of salami?

A humongous

Burnt sienna turd?

The winds blew through

But they didn't erase the memories.
So blow out the candles
Another year has passed.
The die is cast.

The pensione awaits.