I'm looking for an adjustable wench.
One that when the grip feels
a little too tight
it can be backed off some
and when it's too loose
it can be tightened some too.
Seems all the ones
I've handled lately
are pretty set
in their ways,
and when I rotate them
a hundred and eighty degrees--
trying to get just the right angle,
they pop off
Seems they only like
certain positions
and it's
to get their heads
back into the task
at hand.
I looked for one
at the hardware store
but the lady there
just gave me a funny stare.
But I need me
an adjustable wench
to get these nuts off properly,
because sometimes my arm
can get pretty tired
trying to do that.
One I can lay down
next to me
and know will stay put
while I take out my screwdriver
to finish the job.
Why looka there...
seems that in my haste
to finish this poem
I omitted an "r"
here and there
in certain...uh... critical spots...
I can be such a tool sometimes!
But now that it's posted
let me know if I should bother
going back and sticking them in..
or if you think you get my drift, anyway.