Every minute of the day
It’s the American way
I only ever tried
To sell myself
Often failing miserably
(but stuck with it)
Things that chap your ass
Are easily remedied
If you’ll just get off of it
And take care of business
Now that would make
A good advertising slogan
(with a patriotic ring)
To help boost the economy
O America
Is there any hope for you now?
Whitman saw it all folding out
Into a glorious panorama
Scaling mountains
Pulling myself cautiously up
And it was good.
Hold onto that romantic vision
Like the buffalo you decimated
It may yet make a comeback one day
When neighbor stops hating neighbor
And brother stops killing brother
Oh hey
Listen to me
You can still hear that
Wide-eyed idealist
Boarding the bus to the airport
To board the plane
And wing his way over the ocean
To a brand new life
And all because he took a chance
And got off his ass
And followed his dream