Tuesday, August 29, 2017
I squeezed a peach
at the market
to size up its suitability
and then began to move on to another
when I heard it say
you have taken liberties with me
and it was true
I had fondled it
it said
now I am yours
take me home and eat me
and I thought
how callous one would be
to refuse a plea such as that
from just about...
I guess
so I put the peach in my bag
and took it home
and now I am waiting
for just the right moment
to consummate our relationship
(I know it's going to be juicy)
all actions
no matter how trivial
we may perceive them to be
have meaning
all actions have a resonating effect
keep this in mind
and somewhere
a butterfly
may thank you
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

From my book: DARWIN'S MOON
the cars
rumble past
and from their
open windows
you hear cackling
or cussing
or some kind
of rap crap
an angry young man
shoutin' bout
bitches and hos
with his finger up his nose
I'm tired of hearing
the angry young man
through your open window
don't care if he's black
or white
I've been that guy
the rallies
and the marches
righteous indignation
like you wouldn't believe
students commandeering
the dean's office
and getting dragged
out by their heels
do you know
how that feels?
there was Haldeman
and Dean
and student bodies
lying dead
on the campus green
at least we stood
for something
besides gangsta worship
all the angry young men
who don't know
what they're mad about
every generation sees
them come and go
you don't live
in the ghetto
and the only thing
you have
to complain about
is your pants
are falling down
and I'm tired
of hearing the
angry young man
through your open window
you think you've got
something to prove
but in truth
you've got nothing to lose
but your youth
so convinced
that you'll always be
the malcontent
but I'll tell you what
it all comes to naught
and a house
in the suburbs
in the end
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Oh SHIT, man!" said Jerry. "Something just went SPLAT on top o' my head."
Ben looked up. He heard the flutter of wings and a strange otherworldly cackle.
Jerry said, "What the hell was that, man?"
Ben stared at him, deadpan. "I think you've just been hit by Milo, The Shit Bird."
"Milo The Shit Bird...wha-?"
Ben fished around inside his lunch pail to find a paper napkin for Jerry--the glob of excrement perched atop his buddy's hair growing more pungent by the moment. "He's legendary in this neighborhood. I know the people who used to own him. He's a Myna bird...they kept him in a cage most of the time, and he made it clear to them he wasn't happy with that arrangement. Then one day when they were cleaning his cage, he saw his path to freedom. Took off out the front door that had been left partially open. Ever since, folks around here have reported that they've been crapped on out of the blue--literally out of the blue--because he hovers over them and then it's bombs away, like he was the Enola Gay or something."
"Geez," said Jerry, who was a poet. "That's kinda poetic justice. Taking it out on random people. He sees them as the oppressor."
"There's some inspiration for you, Jer," said Ben. "You could immortalize Milo, The Shit Bird in a poem."
"It is poetic when you think about it, man. We keep animals in cages. And because we think that's all right, we put people in cages too. Rather than, you know, trying to heal them."
"Sounds like you want to write about-"
"Man's inhumanity to man."
That's a deep subject, but if anybody can pull it off, you can."
Jerry had just about finished wiping the poo out of his hair when the two of them heard the flutter of wings again in the tree they were perched beneath under the noonday desert sun. And before Jerry could duck out of the way...
Milo, The Shit Bird had struck again. This time the cackling they'd heard before was accompanied by: squawk...ASSHOLE...ASSHOLE...squawk !
"Jesus H. Christ!" Jerry cried. "Why'd he pick on me...TWICE?"
Ben had to stifle a laugh. "He knows your a poet, dude. He knows you're sympathetic to his plight. The only one who could put into words what many of the rest of us are thinking. Poets have started REVOLUTIONS, man!"
Jerry rubbed his stubbled chin, lost in contemplation.
Ben glanced at his watch. "Guess we better be gettin' back to work, and find you some shampoo and a faucet to stick your head under."
"Geez," said Jerry. "That kinda puts into perspective what my real job is..."
Ben closed up his lunch pail and gazed into the vast blue sky--the place where epiphanies that hit you like a water balloon chucked by some nasty middle school kids on a rooftop come from. He started off across the park. He turned back to see Jerry looking pensive and glassy-eyed. "You comin' man? he said.
"Yeah...sure...I'll be along. I just got a lotta shit on my mind."
"Yes, my friend, I CAN SEE THAT!"
"The world will know the saga of Milo, The Shit Bird! First, an epic poem, then a children's book..."
Jerry was prancing around, shouting into the wind. Though just downwind of him was where you really didn't want to be.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
No tracks within a good
ten miles of here
but on a misty morn
that horn
is ridin' the breeze
cutting through my brain fog
it echoes
like the call of the wild
from back in the day
I shouldn't have switched on the TV
cuz some Trumpster shill
is telling Martha Radditz
who the "normal" Americans are
pretty sure Caitlyn isn't on his list
I traveled all this way
doin' the transcontinental zigzag
just to end up in a world where
transgender crappers
would be the hot button of the day
you can be
whatever you wanna be
on the inside
the outside's just a shell
that we tortoises use
to deflect the rain
(and I don't know who I am
but life is for learnin')
so when I present the idea
of trans-racial
I'm sayin' it's not a bridge too far
cuz we am what we am
and we are what we are
not the same as mixed blood
it means starting out identifying
as one ethnicity
but waking up one day to realize
that in your heart
you are something else
never knew why I always wanted
to jump out of this pale skin
til I ran into the lost ones (who
like the Indians Columbus encountered
were never lost to themselves and thus
had no need of being "discovered")
and found there was Cherokee blood
from grandma
the most captivating woman
at age 32
I've ever seen
her eyes foretold me
foreshadowed the coming
of the little bastard
and one by one the pieces
began to fall into place...
a half-bro
who is half Hispanic
all the time spent
south of the border
and in the Caribbean
where I saw a way of life
that was impervious to sorrow
whenever a street band would play
and knew so strong in my gut
that it was a part of me
and always had been
how my paths zigzagged
and crisscrossed
like an etch-a-sketch sky
spinning round so fast sometimes
I met myself speeding in the other direction
I'm not what I appear to be
though you would never know
and now I'm reading Sherman Alexie
who says that Indians seldom travel
in a straight line
not even the Crows
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