Went to the supermarket
and you can't even turn around
without bumping into some body...
Fuken people!
they're everywhere
and the source of all our grief.
Cuz if it were just you and me
there'd be no worry about the economy
we'd barter straight up
one to one
no need for tariffs
as we'd know each other better
than anyone else in the world and
trust that we weren't trying
to screw each other over.
If it were just you and me
the skies would be clear
and the oceans would be clean
and the oceans would be clean
and all the methane gas that goes into the
atmosphere from all the cows and everyone
else farting up a storm wouldn't exist
we'd eat from nature's bounty
brimming on the trees and the vines.
And the murder rate would be way down
no assault weapons
cuz nobody to assault
I could bonk you over the head
with my club if you got really out of line
but you'd be okay.
No white supremacists cuz
having originated from
somewhere over there in Africa
you and I would be
brown as berries
(and just as juicy I might add).
Don't dismiss these words out of hand cuz
all the world's major problems
can be traced back to too many
fuken people
but there's nothing to be done about it now
'cept try to be civil
and don't turn around abruptly in the market
and bump into some old lady
who'll give you the nastiest look
like she thinks you shouldn't even exist.