Imaginary Garden With Real Toads
I like it when a poem mentions a real place
like Omaha or Charleston as that immediately
tells me there won't be any faeries or elves in it
and so it's safe to continue and I like it when
a poem mentions a real thing like let's say a lonely
bus stop and I like it when a poem mentions real
people like old lovers or new lovers and some
way that all these things come together like at a bus
stop in Omaha where a woman stands waiting for
what could be an old lover on a bus that doesn't
come and not how it makes the woman feel because
we don't exactly know but how it makes the poet
feel as he observes her from the gas station
across the way and there's a chill in the evening air
and after a while he walks on over to inquire as
to whether he can be of some assistance
she is a dark haired woman who reminds him
of an old lover and she says where you headed
mister and he says Charleston and she smiles
and says oh that would be pretty far out of
my way as I live about five miles down the road
and he wants to say something but there's this little
voice telling him she's heartbreak in faded jeans
and he says well have a good evening then m'am
and when he pulls out of the station never to return
again he glances in his mirror and sees that she has
stepped off the curb and is thumbing for a ride and
in a New York moment (a pregnant one at that) he says
fuck it and turns the car around and you will write your
own ending same as we all do in real life and that there's
the kind of poem I like now mister yes I surely do
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Sunday, December 11, 2016
My first baseball game
second grade I believe
recess out on the playground
they didn't use a baseball
it was a soccer sized ball
you whacked at it with the bat
and then you ran
that's what I saw the other kids do
you ran
I didn't know one thing about baseball
I didn't know you were supposed to stop at the base when the ball was being thrown there
and someone called out SAFE!
or OUT!
Mom's Second Big Mistake
having shown me nothing 'bout anything
'cept how to be passive aggressive
so I just kept running
running home
because I didn't know
you know
and the kids thought I was dumb or something
or maybe had a screw loose
'cause next time up I did it again
and they were yelling STOP
but I kept on running
running home
and I didn't look back
And when it came time to bust out of
that little town
years down the line
I ran
and kept on running
running away from home
And I didn't look back
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Last Tango In Timbuktu
Friday, November 25, 2016

A worldly young man, tainted by love,
He hears: The war drums of the Sioux.
In his mind it is all compartmentalized--
And he is back on the island
He passes a billboard that reads:
The funniest thing...
Marie has been gone for twenty-five years.
He is the old one.
This is a revised version of a poem that first appeared here four years ago.
railing against the ruling classes,
(promising a chicken in every pot
but offering a payday loan joint on every corner)
drives down a lonely road.
The snow beyond the windows impenetrable.
The wind whipping across the park.
In his mind's ear:
flute music played
flute music played
by street musicians from Chile--
portable lives in the nomadic sun.
He hears: The war drums of the Sioux.
He hears: The voice of God singing "Hey Jude."
He wonders if he can reconcile
with the Antichrist in the kitchen.
He remembers when she said "Teach me to love."
They devoured each other like
children with melting candy.
(The just washed dankness of her hair.)
He drives past a billboard that says:
In his mind it is all compartmentalized--
there are remnants of old lovers in each of these rooms.
And it's so puzzling to be a person
asking why does anything exist?
Time moves imperceptibly
until the world becomes a city full of strangers.
And he wants to be at a ski lodge
in the Grand Tetons, sitting cozy by the fire.
A young woman moves near.
She is an African girl--so lovely
it makes him sad. It is her love
for her youth, and for his,
that draws them together.
Could a dance like this go on forever?
And he passes a billboard that says:
And he is back on the island
with Marie--it is where they met.
The alliance of sun and alcohol
so conducive to romance.
His imagination so fertile now,
filled with ghosts and ballerinas.
When he gets home they will talk,
like they never do. He will clear the air.
He will ask if she's having an affair.
And though he knows she is
a sovereign nation unto herself,
they must remain allies to prevent
both their worlds from collapse.
And he knows to some degree that he
will always be searching for the Holy Grail.
He glances at his watch
though he does not want to think about time--
though he does not want to think about time--
the only constant in life being the question
of whether love will be there in the morning.
The snow swirls around his car.
On the street a white-haired man
bends haltingly against the wind.
He is almost home.
He passes a billboard that reads:
He parks the car, then tramps
the few steps up to the apartment.
He inserts the key. He opens the door...
A woman's scent, fading.
The past...
the present..
a blurry haze.
the present..
a blurry haze.
The world is on fire.
The funniest thing...
And now he remembers.
Marie has been gone for twenty-five years.
And he is not the young man anymore.
He is the old one.
This is a revised version of a poem that first appeared here four years ago.
Friday, November 11, 2016
IT'S YESTERDAY ONCE MORE (.doo-be-doo-lang-lang...)
Goin back
to a simpler time and place
where at the table
the family says grace
and father knows best
A place where climate change
does not exist
and those greenhouse gas emissions
like the truth
need no regulatin'
Back to a time where
her right to choose
means which pretty dress
in the storefront display window
she will wrap up and take home
Where if we all just stay healthy
there'll be no need
for that costly insurance
just make sure to get
your morning constitutional
in every day
And speaking of the constitution
well, that civil rights amendment
(# 14 for those keeping score at home)
has not yet been passed
and being civil
means no disobedience--
we'll all get along fine
long as everyone stays in his place
With a chicken in every pot
and a piece riding every hip
don't look at me cross-eyed, boy
don't give me no lip
A land of equal opportunity
where any man
with large enough bills
can rise to the highest office in the land
even if he has no class
(even if he looks like the business end
of a baboon's ass!)
Back to a simpler time
and simple times were meant
for simple minds
So let's play a game of let's pretend
it's the fifties again
don't forget your lunch pail, dad
on your way out the door
and when you get home
mom will have a fresh apple pie
cooling on the window sill
Oh, and remember it's election day
so don't forget to vote
you can get there on your bike...
Monday, November 7, 2016
With her automaton smile
the six o'clock news Barbie
recites a litany of the day's
natural disasters
sewer main ruptures
and one arrest for
spitting on the sidewalk.
The camera zooms in
on a whopper of a loogie
oozing on the concrete
in all its wicked glory.
A young gendarme collects it,
to be analyzed at the lab
so that someone can say
on good authority:
Yep, that's a loogie alright
and tag it "Exhibit A."
The wild-eyed derelict
they've collared
for this egregious offense
manages to fire a parting shot at the camera
a real bullseye that does a
hoochie-koochie dance
down the middle of your TV screen--
while the Barbie's pasted-on smile
and glib tone never wavers
like her counterpart on CNN
who dispassionately described
the incineration of eighty-odd
and children
live as it happened at Waco
for to betray a hint of emotion
would not be impartial
nor professional
when anyone with a whit
of human compassion
would have hung her head and wept.
But that's okay
it's all in a day's work
and it all blends together
after a while anyway...
the real blood you see on the news
looks like the ketchup oozing
in that old burger commercial
from the nineties
and everyone out there
in TV land
is just as numb as you are.
And the guy who spit at you, well
he's only trying to wake you up...
cuz like the old ad once said
If it doesn't get all over the place
it doesn't belong in your face.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Because you need to be somewhere
Because you need to be doing something
Because it's neither here nor there
Except for how it makes you feel
When you stop to think about it
Though you think too much about it
And in the end it doesn't make
A pitiable bit of difference
If you even think about it at all
Cuz you gotta be somewhere
All the time
Thinking about it or not
Total slug or genius
You are still gonna be right HERE
(don't try to be there
you can't be THERE
cuz I'M there
and no two bodies can occupy the same space
at the same time
if you get confused go to the map
that will obligingly point out: "You are HERE!")
Every fuken day
Of your life
It's right there
Staring you in your fat face
What to do
What to do
That's your existential dilemma
So think about it
But not too hard...
I wouldn't want to see
Your head explode
Thursday, October 20, 2016
On a quiet August morning
in Kokura
a child plays absentmindedly
in the street
as the plane passes
way up high.
The skies have turned cloudy
when only minutes ago
they'd been clear
and a snap determination is made--
too overcast to make the delivery.
On that quiet August morning
another child plays distractedly
in the street
of the alternate target.
The weather cooperates
and Fat Man
like his predecessor Little Boy
is delivered.
One of them survives
and grows to be an old man
who still speaks of
"The Luck of Kokura"
Fat Man's primary target
Little Boy's alternate
yet passed over on both occasions.
And while "luck" implies
a random roulette wheel
kind of universe
which his lady of lo these many years
is more inclined to believe
when she tells him
He doesn't play favorites
you'll never convince him
there wasn't something more at play
on that hazy August morning
as he steps out onto that same quiet street
with his cane
and gazes into the heavens
on another crystal clear day
in Kokura
Thursday, October 6, 2016
She superimposes his face
upon her own demons
cuz it ain't easy to beat the shit
out of a nameless, faceless entity,
and a punching bag
is always more therapeutic
when it's someone you love.
She knows
that he will absorb the blows--
bounce back grinning
to a standing eight count,
no worse for the wear.
Knowing in his knightly heart
what she still struggles to comprehend.
That the Devil made her do it.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Over at da Wally store
da peeps dey waddle in
an' den dey waddle out
an' dat just de employees
cuz everybody fat
in America
fatter den me big fat cat
in America
everybody eat good
in America
compare to where me come from
where many say: "Food? What is dat?"
in America me see dis guy on tv
he cram down seventy hot dogs
just to set some kind of record
yeah, me REALLY see dat
where me come from
dey would call dat obscene
but it okay in America
where all da fat cats be gettin' fatter
fatter den me big fat cat
in America
don't get me wrong, friend
me mean no disrespect
cuz you are da new normal
an' me just a skinny guy
who feel like he don't fit in
wish me had some meat
on me bones like dat
cuz den me could wear all black
an' turn me baseball cap around on me head
maybe if me stuffs down
seventy hot dogs
each an' every day
'scuse me, friend
but me feelin' sick now
sicker den me big fat cat
barfin' on da carpet
he say dat's what all da cool cats do
in America
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
the only thing he can say for sure
the only thing the irrefutable evidence points to
is that she loves wandering
more than any person, place, or thing
and anyone who wishes to curry favor with her
must first scroll to read the terms and conditions
and click on I accept before proceeding
it just goes with the territory
or province
where she may materialize
at any particular time
in between
she's a caged cat
pacing back and forth
back and forth
he's happy he gets to rock
her Gypsy soul on occasion
making sweet hot music together
(one ear invariably cocked
for the sound of distant drums)
long past remembering
what she's running to
or running from
soon she'll be coiled tightly again
ready to spring for glimmering stars
though they're only in her eyes
so near
yet so far away
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Outside my window
the raven beckons
to follow him again
as in that kingdom far away
in a time when hoods
of muslin saved our sight
from the diamond in his eye
that blazed like a thousand suns
And wasn't it you
who told me that love
is like a banana
you've got to peel away
the facade
And wasn't it you I saw
seething inside your skin
at the Metropolitan Opera
Grunting like a pig
when the fat lady sang
hooting from the balcony
like a Portuguese pimp
a break with tradition to be sure
running amok till they pinned you down
inside the ladies room
Tempest in a pisspot
And isn't that Miz Chauncey Lee L'Amour
sitting right over there
sucking on her
mint julep
trading tales of the good ol' days
when men were men
and women were horses
and giddyup ol' paint
was the prelude to a kiss
Her entourage
of the rouged and the wrinkled
hanging on her every word
well aware that most men in America
in this year of the locust
in this decade of the plague
would rather be sniffing
through the long abandoned ruins
of an old haunt
than to give up the ghost
to some baby-faced whore
And now my old friend the raven
has moved to Baltimore
where he works as a squeegee man
on certain odd numbered holidays
and plays the guitar
with Eric Clapton
and sometimes Charlie Byrd
while all the sweet young things chant
But well you know
the whole world's a stage
that you're going through
just to get to someplace else
and though they stomp and shout
for another encore
quoth the raven: Ain't no more!
It was a lively time
says Miz Chauncey Lee L'Amour
well aware that most men in America
take their pants off one leg at a time
all grist for a story of some kind
and you know dahling
you really should write it
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
No one is crazy
about a poem
that goes on
and on
and on
and on
and on
and on
and on
and so on
(you gotta get out there and slop the pigs!)
A poem should be
like a good fight with your girlfriend.
Say it succinctly
have it mean something
make it feel like a stab in the heart
and get out of there.
Come back later.
Approach cautiously
and take a peek
to see if "she" still looks friendly.
Then dress her up a little
and get ready
for her big debut with your friends!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Nature procreates
with no regard for the numbers
or the consequences.
I know some peeps like that too.
Bathing in their own pious disregard--
the stink of the river still on them,
as Gaia's icy tears
cascade into the sea.
And I thought I heard her whisper:
There's only one of me...
and far too many of you.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
When I reach the end
of that road
I'll be like some of those old cars
I used to drive around
held together by chewing gum
and bailing wire
an old beater
(I know what you're thinkin')
limpin' along
chokin' and coughin' and splutterin'
(but never out of "gas")
destined for some boneyard
to be gutted for spare parts
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
They slip by
that is life's little trick
as you're not supposed to notice
till one day you glance in the mirror
and reel back in HORROR
then you hear somebody laughing
you can't see them
but that is LIFE
getting such a kick out of
pulling that shit
on some hapless sonofabitch
once again
Friday, June 17, 2016
You remember the wild west
where everybody was a gunslinger
and when the bad guys came to town
an armed citizenry had some
recourse to deal with 'em
I had a vision
of a new America
much like the old America
where east is west
and west is west
in the new wild west
Where pistol packin' mamas
are toting something more than lipstick
and Tic Tacs in their bag--
and they know how to use it
Cuz a shootout
is better than a massacre
any day
Or would you rather be fish in a barrel?
You know as well as I
that day is comin'
there'll be no more debate
just a throwback to a simpler time
when men were men
and women were Miss Kitty
and the cathouse
is right down the street
So sidle up to the bar, boys
and get yer whiskey
and learn how to down it
in one swallow
Cuz a shootout is better
than a massacre
any day
Or would you rather be fish in a barrel?
I had a vision of a new America
where necessity
becomes the mother of invention
Where zombies roam among the populace
programmed for apocalypse
(they're already here)
and they have to be taken out
you've seen the movie--
we gotta take 'em out
Cuz a shootout is better
than a massacre
any day
Or would you STILL just rather be fish in a barrel???
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Dem goddamn blueberries when dey fall
when dey fall...
Dad deserves the best--get him some new
jockey shorts, but beware--he'll be pissed
if they're a size too small,
so sneak into his room when he's sleeping
with a tape measure.
Dem blueberries when dey tumble
off da 'frigerator shelf...
I confess what I've had bottled up inside me
for all this time is that...
goddamned Santa Claus,
he never brought me NUTHIN' I really liked.
(Would you believe I had a mild form of
Tourette's--"Saint Vitus Dance" they used to call it--
which I mostly kept under control,
or do you think I might just say that as an attempt
to explain, legitimize, or justify my poetry? )
Goddamned Santa Claus.
And dem blueberries when dey hit da floor
dey don't spill all over da place like before--
maybe my luck is changin'
At any rate, we musn't rush.
We lose GRACE when we rush--
like all the ungainly people
running to catch the bus.
But dad deserves the best, you know.
Every dad has his day
and his is comin' up.
The only lasting things he taught me were the phrases:
You talk like a woman with a paper butthole
Ya don't know shit from apple butter
and he was a linguistics professor too...
Goddamn blueberries.
(They've fallen and they can't get up.)
Santa tumbling head-first down da chimney.
We all
headed for a fall
So until that ungainly
ungodly day
git your back up off da wall
and DANCE!!!
(Do tics fit the description?)
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