
Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Play it as it lays
no need to cheat cuz 
in the end you'll want to say
 that you won it
or lost it 
fair and square.

There is a little word called

that has gotten lost
under tons of smelly manure
spewing out the wrong end 
of the equine these days
(mouth instead of rectum)
and that makes a horse's
ass out of many of us.

What is winning 

going to gain you
you self-serving twit
when you lose your
soul in the process
and reincarnate as a
dung beetle
eating shit for the rest
of your days instead
of serving it up?

Like the rhino who can
only see 15 feet 
in front of his face
we're all a little 
short-sighted that way.

We'll deal with the consequences

of whatever that is up ahead later
right now just put your 
head down and charge!

If karma exists

then I'll see you 'round
the old dung pile
in just a little while. 


  1. Yes, a LOT of manure spilling out of the mouth these days. I am astonished people treat him as if how he is is normal. Everyone better vote in 2020.

    1. Yes, Sherry! It would be one thing if there were just this disturbed figure at the top, but it's legions of disturbed people, all around us--some wailing and moaning--others revealing their level of "me first" and everything else, like the environment, can go to hell. Strange Days indeed. Don't want to be the one rolling that little ball of shit all around next time--lol

  2. You know the Prime Minister of England is very stupid and stubborn. Donald told her what to do with the Brexit situation and she failed to take his advice and did not obey him. I really found it difficult to believe what I was hearing from him. There is something terribly terribly wrong with him.It must be very stressful knowing you have an unhinged lunatic for a President.

    1. Stressful for many, I'm sure. I see it all as a trap. An emotional and psychological trap that one could easily fall into and become overwhelmed by the absurdity of it all. That's not good for one's mental or physical health. I'll spout off occasionally, but I'm doing it with a grin on my face because I know this too shall pass. Cheers!

  3. A wise man once said: "Don't talk politics, religion or sex … just do it." Love, cat.

    1. I'd rather do the latter, and leave the other two alone :)

  4. You just have to hope for the Faustus moment when he realizes the consequence of selling his soul... you could hope that hell is manure for the germophobiac

    1. I do believe there is a moment of illumination for every soul, perhaps in the afterlife, when we look back upon it all and say WTF?

  5. ... the fine art of "listening" has pretty much vanished. And as far as "winning" ... well that is relative - it depends on the yardstick being used.

    1. Winning is an abstract concept...created only in the's funny how much something like that can make us all huffy and puffy when it's only an illusion :)

  6. Love that last verse... am ambivalent on karma.. but that about says it right!

    1. We'll have o wait and see, eh? See ya 'round the ol' poop ball--lol

  7. Yep, this too shall pass. One has to wonder what comes next. Nice write!!!

  8. Integrity has been polluted like humans have polluted the earth they live on.

    1. And to think, a lot of us back in the day only got polluted on a Saturday night. Now we live with it every day.
