
Saturday, June 8, 2019


I was watching this movie 
from 50 years ago 1969
two young men on a road trip
through Italy and a girl 
they pick up (Charlotte Rampling-
always an intriguing presence)
I was haunted by a couple of pigeons
who got a brief cameo to ruffle
their feathers and then they were 
gone but they existed! 
and for a moment I honored
their presence in this world 
they lived they died
they had pigeon adventures and
difficulties like anyone...

This shit's been going on forever

and you were there

How foolish it may be to say

this is me and this was my life
dating back to ???
you're not the same creature you were
then and no one would confuse
the "you" back then with this thing
you've now become (sorry-just reflecting
on my own state of being) 
did those pigeons ever
think about emerging from the shell and 
say oh look that was cute
don't think so they knew exactly
who they were at every stage of the game
so you see a connecting thread simply because
you can remember events from that other
person's life and current events of your own
I tell you don't reflect upon that person's life
they are forever young...  you are
forever old and disgusting...
if your mind opened up you'd remember
it ALL and where would that continuity
the singular life thread that you cling to so 
obsessively now be then...

Pigeon poop in the wind


  1. I love "cameo" pigeon people, friend Tim … and their powerful pigeon stories … poop and all. It is important to listen to each and every ones' "pigeon" story … poop and all. Love, cat.

    1. You are so right...where would we be without poop?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This is deeply philosophical, Tim!❤️ Being human we spend our whole lives evolving.. in the journey to finding ourselves we realize that we may not be perfect but we are definitely not the person we were .. lets say last year.. month maybe even yesterday. The point is we have the potential to change and become better. Love this poem.❤️

    1. I'm gratified that you responded to this one, very few have. I think they thought I was going off into that land of "weird" ...they didn't get it..and rather than respond they decided to just leave it alone--lol I understand. Perhaps my next poem will clarify things a little. Or not.

  4. As much as things change, they remain the same.

    1. Yes, Kerry. The person caught in any moment in time stays the same, because that is his moment.Then a much older person comes along, who is caught in his moment and will forever be, but has the audacity to claim that he is the same person as the person from long ago!
